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Rampone 125 Year Reunion-August 6/18

The Rampone family has a rich history in the Okanagan. Our family too has a direct relation to the Rampones through our great, great grandmother. Additionally, Giovanni Casorzo had a close friendship with …… Rampone and sponsored him when he immigrated to Canada and to the Okanagan area. It seemed fitting to have a part of the reunion here at the farm. It was so fun meeting long lost and distant relatives from near and far. Don Rampone, one of the main organizers did up and displayed the most amazing family tree charts I think I’ve ever seen! Dignitaries such as the honorable Steve Thompson and mayor Colin Basran spoke about the Rampone family and their long history in the community. What a fun day which included lots of locally grown cherries, gelato and pioneer coffee!

Photo: Nadene Casorso

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